Featured Writing
Here we want to explore your ideas, emotions, and thoughts shared through poetry, essays, and short stories. Your submitted works will give other insight and encouragement to share their stories. Click on a title below to view the featured writing.
Poetry in Motion
The Tree
I have so many questions,
I said to the tree.
What is it child, what can’t you see?
Look at your beauty as you stand strong in the ground.
You have all the answers I still have not found.
You’re healthy and brave, you can withstand a storm.
The wind passes by, but you never are worn.
My child come close, I have something to share.
This freedom you seek, it blows in the air.
But you already know this, I can undoubtedly see.
Because I am you, and you…are me.
-Daniella from Canada
Sacred Waters
It comes in waves
as i sit in this steady Silence
I am reminded of how to tread the waters
And tho my heart may race
it speaks to my mind
Easing the overthought of time
“Be here now”, she says… “present”.
And the wonder of each moment
Floods the very core of me
Could I too be the water?
I can feel the beating in my chest
Like drums near a fire
I approach the precipice
and step clean off
for I too am the Jumper
-Jasmin from California
Ode to the Desert
Dont tell anyone, but
I stole a piece of the desert
It was small
It fit in my pocket
and when I went back,
I took some more
When my pockets were full
I stretched open my heart
and stored more nuggets there.
I capture the sound of the raven
and tucked it in tight
The flight of the hawk
The feel of the soft earth between my toes
I reveled in the prickly touch of grandmother cactus
The cool of the boulders
The warmth of the sun
I breathed in the life birthed from my rattle
Its echo carried over the hills
I witnessed in awe
The light fading over the landscape
Leaving darkness to illuminate my first shooting star
I danced with the wind as she gathered my fears
and replaced them with peace and freedom
Speechless and humbled
I left the only gift worthy of the treasure I received
And with it a declaration to Sacred Mountain
that I would indeed return
But until then I do my joyful work
of unpacking my jewels from the desert
Admiring them one by one
Patiently stitching them together
one little bit at a time
Until I have assembled my memory
Full and rich as the moments themselves
Alive in me just, as they were…
Forever etched upon my heart
-Heidi from Tennessee
I use a mask
Every morning
As I put on my foundation and make-up.
Am I more comfortable
With one or the other?
I like both.
The battle has begun.
To which will I be true?
I am transported back
To a place
That does not sustain me
Does not feed my soul.
I am dying.
I am given respite.
My spirit is strong.
New ways have been shown to me.
My compass has a direction.
I will survive.
-Debbie from Wisconsin

Earth Child
I am a child of the Earth, seeking my own magic and self worth.
I walk barefoot under a moonless sky, growing my own wings and learning to fly.
And although I may appear to be alone…
Wild is the greatest friend I have ever known.
-Daniella from Canada
Driving Down the Speedway
In the faint glow of a false dawn
I am aware of the Kachina around me,
The Mountains, and the Desert
Watching me depart
I give thanks to them,
for all the Gifts I have received
My Heart cracks open
As I reflect on this week,
On all that I have taken in
These lessons of the Heart,
that Take Time to Sink in
Then Percolate into my Awareness
Tears of Gratitude
Begin to well up in my eyes
As my Heart opens a bit more
I nurture this experience,
Dwelling for a moment on this insight
My chest Explodes
I am overwhelmed with Emotion
My Tears Flow Freely
Of all the Learnings of this week,
This is perhaps the most
Peace Surrounds You!
Avidor from Florida
I was made to do this
Sent here with all that would be needed
Blessed with more than i know
And far more capable than i think possible
They told me i was here to think
And still I wondered…
They told me i was here to dance
But still i searched…
“down this path” they said
As i stared down a road that had already paved
“Across this lake” they shouted
I could clearly see had been man-made
There voices like music
Became noise to my ears
And their disappointment to me
Mattered less throughout the years
Today i stand atop a Mountain
Found only in the Mystery
All the ‘should’, and ‘if i could’
soon to be my history
All there paths i could have taken
I’m so grateful that i never
For i realize now
I was made to do this…
I was made to Surrender!
-Jasmin from California
Ancient Song
I opened
To the silence of rain
Opened my eyes
To the rain’s song
So long heard
With weeping.
I open to the joy
Knowing Mother
Is nourished by tears
From the heavens
Falling like stars of solace
Into saddened heart songs
Of far off places
Sparking harmony with here
And collapsing the spell
Of time and space
A single drop of eternity
Winks as I escape into dreamland
And whisper to the winds of longing.
“Sweet Dreams”
-Heidi from Vermont
Wisdom Stories
I’m not afraid to believe
I’m not afraid to dream
I’ve believed all my life
I’ve dreamed all my life
Would you believe me if I told you
that you could do anything…
if you believe?
Dream with me
Would you believe
that you could travel landscapes beyond time and space
where hummingbirds speak
and rainbows sing…
Would you walk with me
and travel with me
to the edge of these worlds…
dream with me my son
believe with me
walk with me
right here
right now
to the edge of these worlds .
so I did…
-don Lorenzo
Sacred Waters
It comes in waves
as i sit in this steady Silence
I am reminded of how to tread the waters
And tho my heart may race
it speaks to my mind
Easing the overthought of time
“Be here now”, she says… “present”.
And the wonder of each moment
Floods the very core of me
Could I too be the water?
I can feel the beating in my chest
Like drums near a fire
I approach the precipice
and step clean off
for I too am the Jumper
-Jasmin from California
And a Man sat alone. Drenched deep in his sadness.
And all the Animals drew near him and said:
“We don’t like to see you so sad…ask us for whatever you wish
and you shall have it.”
The Man said: ‘I want to have good sight’.
The vulture replied, ‘You shall have mine’.
The Man said: ‘I want to be strong’.
The Jaguar replied, ‘You shall be strong like me’.
Then the Man said: ‘I long to know the secrets of the Earth’.
The Serpent replied, ‘I will show them to you’.
And so it went with all the Animals. And when the Man had all the gifts
that they could give….He left.
Then the Owl said to the other animals,
“Now the Man knows much and is able to do many things.
Suddenly, I am afraid.”
The deer said: ‘Man has all that he needs. Now his sadness will stop.’
But the Owl replied, “No.
I saw a Hole in the Man.
Deep, like a hunger he will never fill.
It is what makes him sad and what makes him want.
He will go on taking and taking, until one day,
The World will say…
“I have no more.
I have nothing left to give.”
-Wisdom Elder